Emma Sutherland

Fine Art BA (Hons)

An exploration into nostalgia and how our past shaped us to be who we are today


Emma Sutherland

My practice revolves around memory and sense of self, and I focused my work on nostalgia and my childhood memories. This culminated in oil paintings that depict a balance of my past and myself now. I specialise in portraiture and still life paintings at a smaller scale, ranging from A5 to A3. I keep my work at a smaller more intimate scale as I feel it portrays the precious nature of memory and how we hold them close to ourselves. Along with my usual practice I challenged myself to paint landscapes as I was not as confident painting them as I am with my other subject matters.

Memory plays a significant role in my practice as I am fascinated with what makes people them. It was interesting to explore my own memory from childhood and rediscover moments, objects and locations that moulded me into who I am today.

A large part of how I work is using reference images, I have aphantasia which means I don't have a mind's eye and cannot visualise images like most people. This leads me to create many self-portraits as I am the easiest reference point for what I am trying to portray, which led to a lot of reminiscing over childhood photos with my parents.

I chose to display my work in a chaotic layout as I wanted to force people to stop and peel back the layers of memory, ultimately landing on a more recent portrayal of myself. I wanted this layering affect to symbolise the overwhelming feeling of nostalgia and the sense of relief when the memory becomes clearer.

An oil painting of a toddler wesring an oversized pair of sunglasses with an adult sitting behind them, obscured other than their hands which are helping hold the glasses on the toddlers face. The background is purple.
An oil painting of a baby drinking from a whine glass and looking startled. The background is a pale purple, the focus is on the portrait which takes up majority of the painting.
An oil painting of an arched bridge over a stream. The bridge is neutral toned, there is a lot of green surrounding the bridge and the water is blue with white water splashes.

Some pieces are available to buy, if you would like to know more please email me at @bourach.art@gmail.co.uk