Hanru Wehmeyer

Digital Interaction Design BSc (Hons)

A conceptual app which re-imagines the calendar, and has a focus on empowering users to embrace the present through interventions and different tones of voice.


Hanru Wehmeyer

memor is a conceptual app which revisualizes the standard calendar to promote adaptability using circular, fluid shapes. The app has a focus on denouncing productivity guilt and encouraging users to be more aware and mindful of time and embracing the present moment. The app intervenes with you during scenarios such as scrolling on social media or while you are working. These interventions encourage you to not schedule yourself to be too busy, or to make sure you are doing something you enjoy, and even ensure you are doing work rather than procrastinating – as it still functions as a productive tool. 

Using tone of voice profiles which communicate with you in a more direct humane manner, and interaction with the calendar visual, memor attempts to move past being just an app. It becomes more of a companion, with the hope of opening your eyes to how overbearing productivity guilt can be and increase your level of mindfulness towards things that matter to you.

memor. - 2 Minute Video

A person holding an app which has the graphic of a re-visualised calendar, which is circular in form and represents a 24 hour clock. It has added bumps in the edge of the circle was represent events, and are coloured to indicate a different type of event.

Workspace Image

in a dimly-lit workspace setting, the app can be seen on a phone stand in it's 'working' view - in which the graphic is shown with minimal features to interact with on screen. This shows how the app is used alongside you while you work.

The memor app in a workspace setting

Productivity vs The Present

An image stitched together out of two, on one side someone is working with much colder colours behind them, and on the other the person is staring out of the window with warmer colours. This represents how we currently view productivity vs the present.

A visual representation of productivity vs the present
