Harry Toner

Product Design BSc (Hons)

Combatting plastic waste one football top at a time, Stadium Strips gives litter the red card.


photo of Harry Toner

Stadium Strips at its base is a concept to combat litter and waste left over in football stadiums after matches.

Taking left over and littered plastic such as drinks cups and food containers and breaking them down then spinning them into a poly-yarn. This yarn can then be used to create merchandise for the fans to give them something back.

Creating a circular recycling system for the stadiums ecosystems.

Stadium Strips

This image shows one of my concept kits framed while placed next to bins surrounded by scattered rubbish.

Taking my concept for a whirl

This image displays myself kicking a football up in the air in front of my two other concept kits hung up behind to show my concept being worn while playing football.

The First Concept

This image shows a cardboard cut of of a football kit with magazine cut outs glued on top to create a patchwork like kit design.

This amalgamation of magazine cut outs was the original concept where my idea for a recycled kit began.

My shirts are concept only currently so not at a high enough quality to be purchased however any support or questions please contact me through my design Instagram or email me.

