Honor Gibson

Product Design BSc (Hons)

Big Bloody Racket is a series of interactive objects which blend physical and digital sound creation to encourage playful engagement with music.


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Big Bloody Racket is a series of interactive objects which blend physical and digital sound creation.

In a world which often measures worth by money-making ability, many are dissuaded from pursuing activities purely for the sake of enjoyment. Big Bloody Racket challenges this notion head-on - utilising an interactive museum space to create a playful group music experience. The objects are designed to take the pressure away from the inherent performative nature of playing an instrument, and encourage child-like engagement with our surroundings.

Utilising the theory of affordances, the objects themselves take abstract inspiration from the forms of instruments such as guitars and bagpipes. This gently directs individuals towards how they might interact with the noisemakers, while retaining the element of intrigue and unfamiliarity which helps break down preconceived beliefs about musical output.

Taking advantage of the naturally experimental features present in physical instruments, and combining them with the varied outputs of digital music-making creates an environment that fosters experimentation and low-pressure music creation. Challenging conventional notions of music quality invites individuals to reconnect with the joy of simply making a big bloody racket.

The Three Drums - Circle, Triangle, Square.

Three wooden instruments sit together on a white studio background.

The Honker

two people play the instrument together. one is squeezing it while the other listens through the horn.
A man plays the circle drum outside with a pair of drumsticks.

Two Minute Concept Film

Drum Making Video

All of my work is available to buy, I am open to offers.
