Jess Broc

Art & Philosophy BA (Hons)

A research based artist exploring human, non-human and ecological trauma and resilience through writing, sculpture and film.


Jess Broc

Jess Broc is a research-led artist exploring the broad concepts of resilience and trauma from the individual, collective and ecological perspectives, questioning the interconnectedness of human and non-human. Deep exploration of materials and their properties and the vitality of matter is at the forefront of her practice. Understanding the complexities of our current age of existence and how the capitalocene in which we live is creating trauma on a colossal scale, for selves, communities and the planet; Broc challenges how we can build resilience by changing our perceptions of our place within the biosphere.  

Working predominantly in sculpture, film and writing, Jess creates installations that challenge the viewer to think about our relationships to the world and all the creatures within it. Questioning what constitutes a ‘body’ in a non-anthropocentric sense, Jess sees the transformative nature of materials such as wax and bronze as a relational dance between bodies. Coining the term ‘transanthropomorphism’, attempting to become other-than-human, Jess tries to transcend the human-centric ego state of existence to create futures of hope in sometimes seemingly hopeless times.


Some photos have nudity.


A sculpture of a large boulder, gritty texture in different shades of dark grey. It is scattered with bronze casts of lichens that appear to be real lichen attached to a boulder. It sits on a circular 'pond' of brass sheet, mirroring the sculpture.

An ode to Donna Haraway, sympoiesis is the concept of collective and collaborative 'making with' and existing as non-individuals. Boulder made of wax and bronze and brass.

Somatic Semiotics

A large tomb-like slab of brown stone beside a cliff with a large circle drawn from water on the surface. A human figure is reaching over and drawing the circles with stones.

A still from a film of the same name. 'Somatic' means relating to 'the body'. 'Semiotics' is the study of signs, symbols and their interpretation. This film questions what constitutes a body and how different bodies coexist. Looking at healing trauma, this piece attempts to highlight the ways the land and all its' inhabitants, human and non-human, are traumatised to some degree.

Works are for sale, contact the artist via email or Instagram to enquire.
