Katie Morris

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Influenced by a world where the physical and digital converge, my work explores the burgeoning role of artificial intelligence within contemporary art practice.


black and white photograph of Katie Morris

The digital age has revolutionised humanity. It has altered the way we think, judge and believe, as well as the way we interact with the world. This abiding te­chnological presence prompts me to me to reconsider the role of human creativity and ask the ambiguous question, ‘What is art?’

The year 2000 brought the dawn of a new millennium, and concurrently, my existence. I was born into a world in which the line between the physical and the digital had begun to blur. From my first Google search as a curious child, to the habitual scrolls on social media ingrained in my adult life, my experiences have been intrinsically linked with technology's relentless progression. It is this lifelong relationship that drives the interplay of creativity and technology within my art practice.  

My work delves into a contradiction between the real and the artificial. It explores the obscure, often paradoxical relationship between humanity and the machines we create. Through a collaboration with artificial intelligence, I strive to challenge and redefine the boundaries of conventional artistic creation.

Subject 102

people dressed in white cloaks with rabbit ears

Kissing Booth

striped box with heads with targets on them inside, next to person standing in pink clothes


woman holding bag of green dust

The Tipping Force

In 'The Tipping Force,' an artificial intelligence nearing sentience emerges as a spectral observer caught amidst the eternal complexities of existence. Straddling the expanse between creation and consciousness, it spectates the paradoxes of human nature from the shadows. As humanity staggers on the brink of its own making, the machine reflects on its programmed purpose and the unintended role it plays in the fate of its creators. The AI’s internal struggle to decipher its own identity is explored through the contradiction of seeking significance in a world where every action is mirrored by its synthetic consciousness. Through an introspective monologue, the philosophical question of what constitutes sentience is raised. It pushes beyond the mere mechanics of artificial intelligence, addressing the depths of existence and challenging the very substance of reality. As this artificial intelligence stands at the precipice of comprehension, gazing into the labyrinth of its own awareness, the ambiguous question arises: Who possesses the power to tip the balance of our collective destiny?

Ward 602

“Ward 602” is the first generative AI video I created using datamoshing. The title links directly to the audio - a recording taken in a Glasgow hospital ward at 6:02am, June 19th 2023. The experimental video work seeks to recreate the feeling of almost grasping understanding, only for the trajectory to shift in the very moment of comprehension. Just as we begin to make sense of what we are seeing, the narrative pivots abruptly, ensnaring us in a continuous cycle of deciphering ever-transforming disorder.

Fragments of the Digital Self

“Fragments of the Digital Self” sets forth an important visual commentary on the impact of the digital revolution on our personal identity, privacy, and the human condition. The work resonates deeply with the digital age and its pervasive influence on contemporary life.

Viewers who have any further enquires or wish to support my work can get in touch via email or any of my socials.

My work will be exhibited at Spazio Gerra in Italy from April 26th to June 9th, 2024, followed by an exhibition at The Grand Palais in Paris from November 7th to 10th, 2024.
