Kayley Campbell

Digital Interaction Design BSc (Hons)

Stick2Me is A website platform for teenagers and young adults to access hand drawn sticker packs, which can place over their orthotics.


full length image of student

Orthotics refer to custom made or over the counter devices designed to provide support and alignment to various parts of the body, primarily the feet, ankles, and legs, With many conditions in need of orthotics, they are an important factor in many children and adults daily lives. Since this is the case, the healthcare system offers patterned and coloured transfers to go on top of the orthotics, So they are more suited to the user. This is where the problem arises. With the current transfer options. 90% Of them are catered towards children, with only a few coloured options and patterns left for teenagers and young adults. With rising numbers of Orthotics users, More being adults. It is essential that more options are provided for people who want to be their own person and show off their personality through their condition.

Stick2Me is A website platform for teenagers and young adults to access hand drawn sticker packs which can place over their orthotics. These can be easily removed and layered to the users liking and can be changed and taken off easily without damaging the orthotics or leaving any residue behind. They are also made to be waterproof. If users are unsure on what stickers to choose, there is a quiz within the website which can determine your packs through five questions or there is a create your own pack which can be mixed and matched to your uniqueness and individuality.

Final Image of Stick2Me One

Stick2Me Final Image submission One, Physical Orthotics (Splints) with a couple of pre designed stickers drawn by myself.

Orthotics (Splints) With personalised stickers created by myself.

Final Image of Stick2Me Two

Stick2Me Final Image submission Two, With screens of the website & some orthotics with a couple of pre designed stickers drawn by myself.

Mock Up of Final Project. Couple of screens from website and an example of the orthotics with stickers on them.

Final Image of Stick2Me Three

Stick2Me Final Image submission Three, With a main screen of the website & some physical orthotics (Splints) with a couple of pre designed stickers drawn by myself.

Mock Up of Final Project. Couple of screens from website and an example of the orthotics with stickers on them.

Final Submission 2 Minute Video Stick2Me

A video explaining my project Stick2Me Starring Eilidh Mackay Sharing her story with Orthotics from her battle with cancer.

If there are any projects you need a helping hand with, wither it's a collaboration or design based work. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Any jobs, big or small are welcome. Or if you just fancy a wee chat, that is also welcome.

It would be great to gain more experience within the working world of design, especially as a fresh face in the big world. So if you are hiring or know anyone who is, let me know...
