Logan Andrew Cosgrove

Digital Interaction Design BSc (Hons)

Money Mission is a different way for children, who don’t use cash, to save up their pocket money and to understand the value of money.


Logan Cosgrove

Money Mission is a physical object and iPad app that helps children understand the value of money. 
Through my research I unsurprisingly discovered very few children, and their parents, use cash. Often parents just use their own bank card to buy things for their children and find it difficult to track pocket money and treats.

My project allows children to have responsibility over their pocket money, by saving up for something they want to buy, and using technology to make it interesting, without the need for cash or a bank card for the children.

Tokens will be used in place of money and it creates a visual of how much has been saved. To spend their money they have saved, the child takes the number of tokens out of the box, that is the value of what they want, and gives it to a parent who can take the child shopping and the parent pays for it, or it allows the parent to buy something online.

The app shows how much money is in the ‘jar’ and the child can make a savings goal to get an understanding of saving up and the learning value of money.

Money Mission App and Product with ipad showing money in, money out and goal and a money box to the side with coins

Money Mission App and Product