Lauren McDonald

Animation BDes (Hons)

Specialising in Compositing and VFX, I am enraptured by the little details; the proverbial cherry on top that truly concludes the hard work.


Lauren McDonald

I believe it is easy to lose that childhood passion that moulds us as we become adults. I know that I've been struck with an existentialism of why we do anything - what is the point of it all? My work looks to capture the fantasy, the silly, the serious; pockets of little universes that can bring people joy, or encourage palpable thought.

To me Compositing is the magic that truly brings life to the worlds we seek to create. I sincerely love that no project is the same, or follows the same process. Whether is it the almost Lovecraftian mythologies behind 'Baobhan Sith' - where my goal was to truly push the uncanny, unnatural Scottish wildlands. Or perhaps it is in the silly, childlike cartoons we saw as children that I sought to capture within 'Bud'.

Every world has its own language that I hope I have managed to translate within my work.

VFX is a relatively new venture I've been learning. I like to compare it to that of learning an entirely new language compared to the 2D pipeline. Exciting, thrilling; and scratches the metaphorical itch in my brain to push the boundaries of silliness and reality. That is truly what I love about Animation. It is the seemingly endless possibility where all passions are welcome. I have never felt placed into a box, and have always felt challenged to push my ideas even further.

I truly hope you enjoy our final films, and the little pockets of universe we have made for you. That child within you will be grateful, trust me!


Some graphic details on Compositing Showreel video

A fully composed shot featuring a circle of rabbits running tail-to-tail, with a mirrored tapestry adorned with Scottish wildflowers and stags.

Baobhan Sith [Compositing]

A two-headed lamb sitting with a tapestry of a Knight and red-headed woman behind him.


A green-toned shot of an older gentleman inside a submarine, frowning at something out of shot.

My work on the Indie Sci-fi short film, 'Submersed'. This shot of the character George was featured in their trailer.

Compositing Showreel

VFX Showreel

A scene of a spooky, purple-hued room, the camera pointed towards a fireplace with magical pink flame. The room seems to be alight with this magical glow.