Maria Paz Gomez Garcia-Ortiz

Animation BDes (Hons)

Specialising in Concept art and 2D Layouts & Backgrounds, with a passion to create unique visual narratives revolving themes of Science Fiction


Profile photo of Maria Gomez

During the last two years, while studying at DJCAD, I am attending collaborative projects while practicing a great range of art specialisms. Nowadays, I am focused in concept and 2D background art. At the same time, I am passionated about designing and painting environments that immerse the viewer into the narrative. My purpose is to convey certain visuals containing unique worlds, places where written stories can be unfold into creative visual stories.

During the last and final year, I have been the director of my own film “Nucleus” which allowed me to be involved in multiple roles: storyboarding, character design, animation and compositing. By also consolidating contributions from my team, I ensure that it is finished as originally envisaged. This immersive horror film of grotesque visuals conveys unique beauty to the alien-like horror it portrays.

In my additional project: “Neo Eden” I developed a variety of concepts inspired by Moebius, whose imaginative science-fiction stories are of great inspiration to the concepts and ideas I adore to explore. Under this project, I experimented in a vastly different styles in respect of my Nucleus film, thus establishing a challenge which is an useful endeavour when implementing my art styles.

An astronaut character is in the middle o the scene, the view is from an above angle sorrounded by a organic environment made of fleshy organs

Background for the film "Nucleus"

An alien forest of trees that have no leaves or branches, the character in the middle has long orange hair that covers her figure, has an alien like design. The environment's colours are orange to yellow with hints of pink

A concept piece for my additional project "Neo Eden"

4 panels are drawn in a thin linework each depict the same character ascending each time higher into the upper part of the vertical panel. The linework depicts organic shapes similar to veins or roots.

The colour keys depicting the character's transformative ascent to the surface "Neo Eden"
