Becky Mount

Animation BDes (Hons)

I'm a 2D Animator and Compositing Artist. Additionally, I created and directed the graduate film - Hero's Spirit.


Profile photo of Becky Mount

During my final year, I had the incredible opportunity to directing my graduate film "Hero's Spirit" - which tells the story of a super-hero obsessed girl and her ghostly roommate. The animation process used TVPaint for rough animation to allow for organic movement, whilst clean-up utilised Adobe Animate in order to achieve the clean lineless look. Blending the 2D Characters with the 3D Environments challenged my compositing skills as I needed to make the two mediums blend together harmoniously. Overall, the film was a challenging experience that required lots of problem solving, team-work, and hard work; which paid off with a strong, professional final result.

Whilst directing my own film, I also had the privilege to work on other films including "Astray", "TV Dinner", "Tailslide" and "Origami". This allowed me to expand my range of work across both 2D and 3D mediums whilst also creating work under another directors vision. Going forward, I wish to enter the Children's TV Animation sector.

2D Animation Showreel

Compositing Showreel
