Naia Ammane

Fine Art BA (Hons)

My creative practice embraces collaborative work and the potential of producing artworks that blend various artforms and creative ideas together.


Naia Ammane

Through my various collaborations I am able to expand my ideas and bring different collaborative creative visions to fruition. I act as the creative director and production manager by taking part in every aspect of the work and making sure every piece is moving smoothly and reflects the message of the work I want to portray. 
During my most recent project 'Icarus Retold' which I displayed as my undergrad degree show work, I collaborated with dancers, choreographers, a sound artist/musician and a filmmaker. This project is a retelling of the story of Icarus using dance, music, film and spoken words.

Icarus was the son of an inventor who one day made him wings out of wax and feathers to escape his prison. Icarus was told not to fly too close to the sun or the sea but Icarus ignored the warning and flew close to the sun anyway. This caused his wings to melt, he then fell and drowned in the sea.
The story of Icarus is often interpreted as a warning to not be greedy and foolish. Through 'Icarus Retold' I aim to offer an alternative perspective from a modern setting using the concept of dream and reality. 'Icarus Retold' offers a narrative where Icarus is not foolish or greedy but simply a portrait of us and our relationship with life.

Through my collaborations I was able to discuss my ideas with various creatives who then shared what Icarus meant to them. This project is a reflection of various young creative's vision which resonates with the youth of our society.

BTS of 'Icarus Retold' performance

Creative Direction and production manger- Naia Ammane Dancers and choreographers (in image)- Rachel Tomb, Aleeza Aslam, Lucy Heggie, Emma Brodie and Elodie Morgan Set Design and Lighting- Naia Ammane

This Image is from my project 'Icarus Retold'. The movement and formations were inspired by paintings of the neoclassicism and romanticism art period in relation to the theme of Icarus. The performance brings to life the dynamic movements present in these majestic paintings and portrays these paintings as live spectacles.


digital photograph by Naia Ammane featuring Morven Mackinnon.

This digital photography is a part of my photography series 'METAMOSPHISES'. This work explored the relationship between the art and the artist and the objectification of the female body in the art world.
