Pavlin Petev

Digital Interaction Design BSc (Hons)

MRSV - an interactive audio-visual experience that aims to bring control of the visuals directly to the clubgoers.


photograph of Pavlin Petev

MRSV wants to blend interactive exhibits into the clubbing experience, creating interior decor that is more memorable and immersive. Memorable Real-time Sound Visualiser (MRSV) offers clubs a motion-responsive audio-visual experience where visuals dynamically change to match the beat and sound of the music.

The ideal locations for such installation would be transitional spaces where people are not that active. Approaching it, viewers will see a mirror image of themselves acting as “sound-matter benders” manipulating the visuals with their movements.

The goal of MRSV (pronounced “eM-uhr-siv”) is to create a more captivating, visually- and motion-stimulating augmented reality experience, bringing the excitement of immersive experiences back to the club scene. Creating a playful and Instagram-able feature in clubs that is more about clubgoers interacting with friends or strangers would make for a truly memorable experience, benefitting both clubgoers and club owners.

The Reflective Shapes

Blue light caustic effect, caused by light refraction into a textured metallic irregular 3D shape.

Showcasing the light caustics of the metallic shapes that surround the kinect sensor and edges of the screen.

The A/V Interactive Experience

a reflection selfie photo of three people interacting with an augmented reality installation that shows mirror image of them interacting with bumpy orb-like shapes of different sized between there hands,

Three people can interact with the morphing shapes and enlarge and position them with their hand movements and position while evolving displacement is applied to them in accordance to the music that is playing in the moment, reacting to the volume and bass of it.

Video submission

The video showcases the main points of the project: Dundee as an inspiration and as a memory, the digital coding nature of the project, the logo, the second logo and how it is derived from the morphing orbs, the context of club experience, the experience, the locations which the orbs reflect in the experience.
