Qingyue Chen

Product Design BSc (Hons)

Good DreaM is a trial set of essential oils designed to help people with mild sleep disorders.


Good DreaM is a trial set of essential oils designed to help people with mild sleep disorders by bringing them into touch with aromatherapy and filling in the gaps in their sleep education, thereby solving their sleep problems.

GooD DreaM contains 20 essential oils trial capsules that contain 12 single essential oils and 8 compound essential oils formulas. The capsules are packaged on a small card with information about the essential oils: the extraction method and extraction site, the aroma and notes, its usage scenarios and the essential oils that can be used in combination with it. Together with all this information are my illustrations of where the essential oils come from.

The information about these essential oil capsules is difficult to read when the card is not fully opened. However, the user can select them based on the keywords provided on the card's outside edge which is similar to the use of a blind box that makes the process more interesting.

The GooD DreaM set includes 20 essential oil cards and aroma burner with diffuser box.
Diffuser stone box and essential oil capsule.
Opened knowledge card and diffuser stone box on the bed

GooD GreaM Video
