Scott Brennan

Product Design BSc (Hons)

Life and sole is a artistic exploration featuring 3 shoes. Each shoe has been designed to personify the qualities we look for in footwear


Profile photo of Scott Brennan

Using footwear as the canvas to open the conversation about how we as a society have began to express ourselves more freely through what we wear, and how this will continue to evolve throughout the years.

Through the decades what we wear has defined generations through style. People change the way they dress according to influences in their life and what they like ranging from music, to hobbies and societal norms. Acting as a way of building community through the medium of fashion and footwear.

This project looks to incorporate the hands on crafting of a shoe intertwined with the future of design in 3D.  Acting as a way of expressing my interests as a designer and exploring the new possibilities that have emerged with the popularity of 3D printing.

Two custom shoes posed atop a book
Custom shoe posed highlighting shoe with spotlight affect, red backdrop
Custom shoe posed on male model unlocking with one leg raised over other. Black and white background
