Ross Bowman

Product Design BSc (Hons)

'AQ Adventure' is a portable water testing device that allows users to check the water is safe from any recent sewage and agriculture runoffs.


photograph of Ross Bowman

AQ Adventure develops and produces Water Pollution Sensors (WPS) which are a portable handheld device that allows water sports users to check that the water is safe from any recent sewage and agriculture run-offs before entering. Providing an accurate and instant reading that is clear and easy to understand and creating a fun way of spreading awareness around the state of the UK rivers, lakes, and seas.

This device is aimed at the future possibilities of water quality testing. Where in the future it tells you exactly what particles are in the water and if they are harmful or not, whilst also connecting to your phone, letting others nearby know how the water quality is at that time.

Shop Scene

Packaging sitting in a shop scene on the shelf next to other gadgets ready to be bought, with the price tag below.

Packaging on shop shelf.

Home Scene

The Water Pollution Sensor with all attachments on, sitting on its side on a wooden surface.

The Water Pollution Sensor in a home setting.

Beach Scene

The Water Pollution Sensor with other beach essentials, like sunscreen, swimming shorts, towel. With a blurred beach background.

The Water Pollution Sensor in a beach scene.

User journey video

User POV video of their journey using the Water Pollution Sensor

To continue to support my work you can help spread awareness and get more people involved in stopping big corporations dumping into the UK seas, lakes, and rivers. Check out pages like Surfers Against Sewage which is a charity organisation aimed at exactly this.
