Chloe Brand

Product Design BSc (Hons)

Ecoform is a paper pulp craft kit designed to connect young people with the material waste they generate.


Packaging waste is abundant in our everyday lives. Paper and cardboard in particular is the biggest arising packaging waste stream in the UK. When existing in a world of excessive waste, how can we as consumers be equipped to better understand and deal with it on a domestic level?

Ecoform is a paper pulp craft kit designed to give young people and students the basic resources and skills to creatively recycle their paper and cardboard waste. By combining the mindfulness and fun of craft with the recycling process, Ecoform allows people to recycle paper pulp into new objects, within the space of their own homes.  

The kit includes a variety of five different 3D printed three-part moulds for users to experiment with, as well as basic tools and sample materials. These moulds each form building block-like paper pulp shapes and connectors, that users can use to build their own objects with. A basic instruction guide provides recipes for making your own paper pulp and homemade glue binders, as well as instructions for three starter projects varying in difficulty.

A cardboard box is situated on a green backdrop, containing a drawstring bag and instruction booklet. An open drawstring bag is on the left hand side of the box with different mould pieces spilling out. Paper pulp shapes surround the box.
A closed cardboard box branded with the words 'Ecoform' and the Ecoform logo is situated at an angle on a green backdrop. Paper pulp shapes surround the box.
Five grey and clear 3D printed mould sets are assembled in a small pile in front of a green backdrop. Paper pulp pieces surround the mould sets.

Ecoform: Process
