Teodor Markarov

Product Design BSc (Hons)

I am a 4th year Product Design student with an interest in making unique designs and experiences and exploring the way people interact with each other.


Teodor Markarov

DOuG is a personal companion that helps you connect to those you love.
With DOuG you can experience a new and more unique way of communication. 
DOuG aims to provide not just functional benefits but also emotional support and a sense of companionship.
Sending pictures and messages throughout the day is something we all take for granted. And at this point it is not appreciated enough. DOuG gives you the opportunity to send more thought out and curated messages making a slideshow of sorts for the person you love. 
This device allows two users to connect over a long distance and maintain their relationship on a daily basis.
DOuG is a friend to you and your relationship

Hero Image for the project depicting the product's shadow with the dog's ears making an outlined heart shape.
A poster or billboard style picture of the product in a dark environment with a dim green/teal light and the project name.
The product with a mockup of a phone with the companion app on the screen.


See what I'm up to on my Instagram photography, design and art pages:

