Thomas Dracup

Fine Art BA (Hons)

An installation composed of a medieval re-enactors tent with furniture, clothing and other items made of wood, steel, bronze, ceramics and handsewn textiles.


Thomas Dracup

I am an artist who enjoys working with a broad range of materials and I love to explore my deep and passionate interests through my artwork. I have ADHD and Asperger’s Syndrome and I’ve found that by merging my hobby and academic interests with my art practice I can dive headfirst into complex projects involving many skills and materials while maintaining my focus more easily. These interests include history, the environment, medieval re-enactment, traditional crafts and tactile artwork. In this exhibition I aim to create an installation resembling part of a medieval reenactors camp set in the beginning of the Fourteenth Century, it includes a tent, furniture and clothing and other items. Most items were made by me, notably the Chest, Keys, Padlocks, Clothing, Ceramics and Wooden objects. My practice is inspired by my own membership in a medieval re-enactment society portraying early Fourteenth Century Scotland. I want to continue to develop my skills and learn new techniques to improve my artwork and explore my ideas and ambitions further. This work is primarily composed of wood, steel, bronze, ceramic and textiles. Beyond this exhibition I also paint acrylic paintings, do screen printing and dabble in whichever mediums capture my attention.

Medieval Chest Detail

A close up of a corner of the medieval chest, showing the oak planks, hand forged metal straps, handles, hinges and nails.

Details of the metalwork of the chest.

Medieval Costrel

A round ceramic water bottle covered in a mottled green glaze, suspended from a green woven wool strap. The strap is attached to two handles located at the top either side of the neck of the bottle. The Costrel is hanging inside the medieval tent.

A portable medieval ceramic water bottle for travelling.

Medieval Tent

A medieval tent made of white canvas with a green wavy trim on the lower edge of the roof, supported by two poles. It contains a medieval chest, a  three legged wood stool, ceramics and a male medieval outfit made of white linen and yellow and green wool.

The medieval tent, containing the chest, outfit, and various other items.

Please follow me on social media and feel free to commission me. I will be selling small items at my degree show, for more information either message me on Instagram or speak to me in person at the degree show.
