Kerry Donohoe

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Using sculpture through a variety of material to share experience and generate discussion, through the lens of people suffering with related conditions.


Profile photo of Kerry Donohoe

Kerry Donohoe is 4th year interdisciplinary artist currently studying at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design in Dundee.

Mainly working in sculpture and installation, Kerry uses material to share experience. Her work explores the relationship between food, medication, and the self. Informed by her own experience of IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome), Kerry creates work using a variety of material to convey the absurd, comical but difficult nature of this relationship. 

Working in bronze, ceramic, and woodwork, she uses the inherent properties to emphasis her perspective and experience of different foods and medications. Heaviness, lightness, or fragility become metaphors for communicating the difference in experience of someone who suffers from digestive disorders to someone who does not. The work appears comedic and absurd but contains serious undertones as the excessive consumption of medication results in the self becoming dependent on the ‘relief’.

Kerry has recently been involved in a variety of projects such as featuring in Exoskeleton’s first publication (2023) and CAPsoc’s exhibition ‘Because We Want To That’s Why!’ (2024).


Ceramic circular plate with 3 sections for different portions. The plate contains toy food which has been casted in bronze, there is fish, chips and peas within each section.

Ceramic plate with bronze patinated casted fish, chips, and peas.

Food Untitled

ceramic circular plate and bowl half in the frame. The bowl contains toy food which has been casted in bronze. The bowl contains fruit: grapes, apple, pear and banana which have been polished and the plate features a fish which has been patinated.

Ceramic plate and bowl with bronze casted and patinated fish and polished fruit.


three off-white ceramic tablet boxes in a row, with the focus being on the middle box with a green ceramic transfer with text that states: ‘Imifen, Immediate relief, Immediate satisfaction…May cause anxiety for relief try Parapalm’.

Ceramic tablet boxes with ceramic transfers.

You can support Kerry by following her Instagram.
