William Docherty

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Printmaking and woodblock carving with a hand router.


black and white photograph of William Docherty

Awright mate listen up – I’m just a normal guy from North Ayrshire right? Nae fancy words from maself just a working-class lad wi a passion for printmaking and a good laugh usually wi a few pints in the pub.

Here now when it comes tae inspiration forget yer fancy galleries – I’m all about the west Highlands, mate. The mental ruggedness of those peaks and surrounding hills, valleys and lochs is enough for me. Otherwise, My Hearts in the Highlands better said by the man himself Robert Burns another Ayrshire lad.

So, picture this eh? I got nine dods of widden MDF boards and used a hand router to carve into it. I’m carving away like a mad man trying to make sense of the power tool and trying not to lose a finger. But lo and behold oot comes a relief print whilst I have an inky face probably got more ink on myself than the boards.

There you go that’s your whack now beat it and enjoy everyone's else's work. Ps just joking take your time.

Goat Fell

This is a woodblock carving used for printmaking and I used a hand router to carve into the large woodblock.

woodblock carving with a hand router,scale 150cmx270cm

The Three Sisters of Glencoe

This is a woodblock carving used for printmaking and I used a hand router to carve into the large woodblock.

This is a woodblock carving used for printmaking and I used a hand router to carve into the large woodblock.

Loch Ness Monster

this is a multiblock linocut print consisting of two layers.

This is linocut print.

If anyone is interested in my work you can help support me by following me on Instagram. Also if anyone want to buy any of my work you can contact me via email or on Instagram by a direct message.
