Degree Show map

Exhibition locations for each course and a map of the Matthew and Crawford buildings.

On this page
Diagram showing the layout of the Matthew and Crawford building. On the left is the Matthew Building, which has 8 floors. The fire exits are on floor 5 and floor 2. On there right is the Crawford building, which has 6 floors. The fire exits are on floor 1 and 4. There is a toilet on floor 3 and 4.

Matthew Building

Level 6

  • Architecture
  • Illustration
  • Urban Planning & Environmental Sustainability

Level 5

  • Animation
  • Digital Interaction Design
  • Interior & Environmental Design
  • Product Design
  • Bridge to Crawford Building

Level 4

  • Bridge to Crawford Building

Level 1

  • Main entrance and Information Point

Crawford Building

Level 6

  • Art & Philosophy
  • Fine Art

Level 5 

  • Art & Philosophy
  • Fine Art
  • Bridge to Matthew Building

Level 4 

  • Graphic Design
  • Bridge to Matthew Building

Level 3

  • Textile Design

Level 2 

  • Art & Philosophy
  • Fine Art
  • Jewellery & Metal Design

Level 1 

  • Art & Philosophy
  • Fine Art