Jobs and opportunities guides

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The JobShop advertises jobs, internships, volunteering, work experience opportunities, and is updated daily.


An overview of the different resources you can use to find a graduate job.


Find international jobs and internships, employer profiles, and other resources.


This award is for academics (teaching and research), and professional services staff within the School of Nursing and Health Sciences for someone you think deserves to be recognised.


This award recognises any pre-registration student nurse who deserves special recognition. They may have overcome significant challenges or adversity, or they may have inspired his or her peers in some way.


This award aims to recognise a nursing student who demonstrates the heart of nursing through the impact they have on either an individual, a family or a community. It is sponsored by the Brittle Bone Society in memory of the late Mrs Margaret Grant MBE.


Many employers, from large multinationals to smaller organisations, use recruitment agencies to fill their vacancies. They can allow you to tap into a wide range of unadvertised jobs, both temporary and permanent.


Volunteering is a great way to build your skills and enhance your employability, while at the same time giving something back to a great cause or charity.


Take a gap year or do a summer placement abroad.