
We offer a wide range of core and optional modules, meaning that you can tailor your qualification to your own interests.

Content is available online and you will work through it carrying out a series of assessed, self-study, and group tasks. You will be given the opportunity to communicate with your fellow students via the discussion board and to work on embedded source material.

You will always have a subject expert as your tutor and many tutors will also offer voluntary webinar sessions.

You will be given the opportunity to compare and contrast best practice against where you work or volunteer and to conduct research that interests you when undertaking your dissertation.

Module availability varies each semester, so you should consider the best order to study your core and optional modules before choosing. If you are unable to take modules in the recommended order, you will be able to discuss this with your Teaching Support.


Assessment is carried out via coursework and discussion board participation. There are variations across modules however weighting is usually as follows:

  • 2 x final assignment = 30% each
  • assessed tasks = 30%
  • discussion board participation = 10%

Module list

You’ll need to study the core modules, and a further 40 credits from the optional module list

Core modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

RM50001 - Archive Services, Access and Preservation

RM50006 - Principles and Practice of Records Management

RM50023 - Research Proposal and Dissertation

RM50031 - The Theory and Context of Record Keeping

RM51001 - Archive Management: Principles and Practice

Optional modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

RM50007 - Scots Palaeography & Diplomatic

RM50008 - Skills & Sources for Family & Local History in Scotland

RM50011 - Complying with Information Legislation: Principles & Practice

RM50012 - Skills and Sources for Family and Local History in England

RM50013 - Cataloguing in a Digital Age

RM50017 - Management and Preservation of Digital Records

RM50018 - Preservation and Disaster Management

RM50019 - Metadata Standards and Information Taxonomies

RM50027 - English Palaeography and Diplomatic

RM50028 - Heraldry

RM50032 - Understanding Latin in Documents and Archives

RM50033 - Understanding and Reading Latin

RM50035 - House History

RM50044 - Leading Change for Information Professionals

RM50045 - Information Security and Risk Management

RM51005 - Electronic Records Management 

RM51006 - Sound and Vision: Managing and Preserving Photographs, Film and Sound

RM52001 - Basic Latin for Archivists and Researchers

RM50036 - Military Archives

RM50030 - Managing and Understanding Rare Books

Questions? Need help?

Contact our Archive and Information Studies enquiry team

+44 (0)1382 386472
