
We offer a wide range of core and optional modules, meaning that you can tailor your qualification to your own interests. You can take one optional module on this course.

Content is available online. You will work through it carrying out a series of assessed, self-study, and group tasks. You will be given the opportunity to communicate with your fellow students via the discussion board and to work on embedded source material.

You will always have a subject expert as your tutor and many tutors will also offer voluntary webinar sessions.

You will be given opportunity to compare and contrast best practice against where you work or volunteer.

Module availability varies each semester, so you should consider the best order to study your core and optional modules before choosing. If you are unable to take modules in the recommended order, you will be able to discuss this with your Teaching Support.


Assessment is carried out via coursework and discussion board participation. There are variations across modules however weighting is usually as follows:

  • 2 x final assignment = 30% each
  • assessed tasks = 30%
  • discussion board participation = 10%

Module list

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Contact our Archive and Information Studies enquiry team

+44 (0)1382 386472
