PhD opportunities in Psychology

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PhD programmes are aimed at those who aspire to the highest level of academic achievement, becoming recognised as a highly skilled expert in a specialised field.

Many will go on to use their skills within academia or in research-intensive aspects of the professions, but others will draw on their research background in a wide variety of other occupations. Such highly educated and skilled doctoral graduates are in great demand within the global, knowledge-based economy of today.

How is the programme structured?

The PhD is a research-based degree assessed on a completed thesis and an oral examination. You will be supervised by staff at the forefront of academic research, and supported by specialized training in research skills. With the help of your supervisors you will become increasingly self-directed in your research, and by the end of the programme will have produced an original piece of work which makes a substantial contribution to the advancement of knowledge within your chosen specialism.

In Psychology we have identified specific themes of expertise and these attract ambitious, talented students keen to work in these areas.

Key staff contact

We have an ever-expanding active research environment here in Dundee. We offer research degrees (PhD or MPhil) in a wide variety of topics in Psychology, including 'Cognition and Communication', 'Human Development' and 'Health and Well-being'.

We provide a vibrant and supportive postgraduate community. For example you will enjoy a number of research seminar series in which you either hear about cutting-edge research by leading external and internal researchers, or present your own on-going work to a stimulating audience.

Find out more about the areas of supervision by academic staff.

Prospective candidates are welcome to contact academic staff who share their area of research interest. You need to apply before a firm decision can be taken on whether or not a PhD place can be offered.

Any questions?

For enquiries, please email Dr Yuki Kamide, PhD Admissions Officer