Dentistry resources from Reach

Find resources which can help if you are considering becoming a dental student.

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Dental Insight Dundee

Dental Insight is a programme run by dental students at the University of Dundee, and provides a work experience programme for S4 and S5 school pupils interested in a career in Dentistry! Have a look at their Facebook pages, and like and follow them to see updates and more information.

General Dental Council - Standards

The GDC's Standards document outlines what it means to be a good dentist. It describes the expected values and professional behaviour expected of practicing dental professionals in the UK. We cannot stress how useful it will be for you to read this document! Not only will it give you an understanding of what is expected of practicing dentists, but it will also really help when it comes to the Situational Judgement section of the UCAT and at interviews later on. Again, use your Reach Reflective diary to try and identify any examples of observing these behaviours/values/expectations in dental professionals. If you haven't had work experience, think about interactions you have had with your own dentist, or with dental students at Reach events – they should all be following this guidance too.

Other online dental and health resources

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are online courses aimed at an unlimited number of people which can be accessed online through certain online learning platforms. They allow you to learn in a flexible way, and can help you to expand your knowledge and connect with educators across the world!

MOOCs don't involve as high a level of studying as your school subjects; they can take up a few hours per week and normally run for between 2-6 weeks. However, you can access all the materials in your own time at a time that suits you best.

A high proportion of MOOCs are completely free for you to access and learn. Some courses will charge additional fees for you to be given an accredited certificate of participation. However, for the purpose of broadening your own understanding of different topics in law, you DO NOT NEED TO PAY extra for this. You can simply keep a note of any courses you do and make reference to these in your personal statement, if you find they are relevant for this.

Suggested MOOCs

Other resources