
The University of Dundee recipe for success

Published on 6 September 2024

How to make the most of your time with us at the University of Dundee

On this page

Welcome to the University of Dundee! We’re thrilled to have you join our community and can’t wait to see the amazing things you’ll achieve here. We’ve put together some tips and insights for new students, to help you make the most of your time with us – think of this as your ultimate recipe for success!

Make yourself at home

At the University of Dundee, everyone is welcome, and we look forward to getting to know you. Your time here is what you make of it, so make sure to explore all that the University has to offer. If you’re new to the city of Dundee, why not start by joining one of the Discover Dundee walking tours included in our Welcome events? It’s a fantastic way to get acquainted with your surroundings and meet fellow students.

Navigate your timetable

Your timetable might seem a bit complex at first, but don’t panic. You can find tips on how to read and understand it on the University website. Taking the time to familiarise yourself with it will help you stay organised and on track throughout the semester. Your timetable might not be available until the end of Week 0, if the School office is still updating it. If you still can't access your timetable by the start of teaching in Week 1, please contact your School office for assistance.

Get the most out of lectures

Attending lectures is one of the easiest ways to get a solid foundation in your subjects. Research shows that students who regularly attend classes tend to achieve better grades. Make the most of this opportunity to gather essential information and get a head start on your studies. You’ll also find it easier to ask questions, participate in debates, and socialise with your fellow students if you are present.

We use an app called SEAtS to monitor attendance so that we can be proactive in providing support to students who are struggling to attend their classes, and to help those on student visas meet their legal requirements. Checking in to class is mandatory across all taught courses. Our SEAtS guide will help you download SEAtS ahead of your first day.

Discover the Library

Our Library is a treasure trove of resources. During our programme of Welcome events, take advantage of a Library tour to get a feel for what’s available. Also, check out the guide to My Dundee for tips on making the most of our online teaching resources. Remember, the Library isn’t just for books; it’s a great place for focusing on studying and research.

Understand the importance of independent study

Don’t stress if you don’t grasp everything right away. Sometimes, your lecturers will provide a starting point, and it might take some time and additional research to fully understand the material. Be patient with yourself and take the time you need to process what you’ve learned. For extra support, the Academic Skills Centre is here to help you develop your independent study skills.

Get support

If you find yourself struggling with student life or need assistance, remember you’re not alone. Don’t hesitate to reach out to classmates, lecturers, your adviser of studies, or Student Services. The Enquiry Centre in the City Campus is a great place to start; the staff there can help with your questions or direct you to someone who can. Students on our Kirkcaldy Campus can pop in to our Kirkcaldy Support Hub to meet with Students Services support staff. 

If you believe you might be eligible for disability support provision, disability services will help you access this.

Find your quiet space

Need a break from the hustle and bustle of university life? Our campuses offer plenty of quiet spaces where you can relax, take a moment to breathe, or focus on your studies. Check out the libraries, the Chaplaincy Centre, and the serene courtyard gardens scattered around the campus for some peaceful spots to recharge.

Come financially prepared

A little financial planning can go a long way. Make sure you have some funds in your bank account as your student loan will be processed 3 to 5 working days after you’ve officially matriculated, rather than the date on your award letter. Being prepared will help you settle in smoothly. If you have any questions about finances, contact Student Funding via email at StudentFunding@dundee.ac.uk.

Take part

University life is about more than just academics. The Students’ Association has plenty of societies across a broad spectrum of interests, many of which you can explore during the Freshers FairSport and Active Health offers a wide range of sports and activities from yoga to pickleball. Jump in and try out as much as you can – it’s a great way to meet new people, keep healthy, and discover new interests.

Connect at the Global Room

Don’t miss out on visiting the Global Room. It’s a fantastic spot for grabbing a free tea or coffee, hanging out between classes, or studying if the Library is busy. The Global Room often hosts various events for international students, so it’s a great place to stay engaged and connected. Our International Advice Service also has a collection for International students which aims to answer most of your questions about starting your student life at Dundee.

We’re excited for you to embark on this new chapter at the University of Dundee. Remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Welcome aboard, and here’s to an unforgettable university experience!

Welcome pages

Find everything you need to know about starting at the University of Dundee on our Welcome pages. Discover what we have to offer through our Welcome events, or attend introductory lectures for your course

Story category Student experience