
Due to the variety of subjects available to choose from, the teaching methods vary from module to module. However, most will use a selection of the following:

  • lectures
  • tutorials
  • seminars or workshops
  • film screenings
  • independent research
  • practical classes

We teach in a way that encourages innovation and creativity, as well as enabling you to draw links between subjects.


Assessments are carried out by coursework and exams, and they vary in type and weighting from module to module.

Methods of assessment can include:

  • essays
  • presentations
  • course diaries/journals/blogs
  • group projects
  • report writing
  • class tests
  • case studies
  • examination

Exams last from 2-3 hours. Many modules do not have any exams and focus entirely on coursework.


At Levels 1 and 2 you will normally choose six modules in each year from across the range of subjects available. At Levels 3 and 4 you will normally choose four modules in each year.

For some social science subjects you may need to have previously passed a module in that area before progressing to the next level. You can discuss this with your advisor of studies.

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