About your interview

Interview format

Our online interviews take the form of a group interview and are designed to assess your thinking skills, your personal values, and your ability to communicate. Each of these are hugely important in shaping the kind of nurse you will be, and at Dundee we place a lot of weight on them. 

You will be given a briefing by a member of staff before being allocated to a group of 8 - 10 other applicants. Your photo ID will initially be checked within this group, then you will take part in group discussion.  

Group discussions

You will be asked to participate in two different discussions.

  1. You must prepare a one-minute presentation to share with the group, answering the following question:

Why have you chosen to study nursing and in particular the field of nursing you have applied for, and what qualities and experiences do you have that will make you a successful nurse? 

You may use brief points written on cue cards for reference, but don’t prepare a PowerPoint or read from notes.

  1. You will then be given a scenario along with a question. Each applicant in the group will be asked a different question, and you will be asked to respond individually.

For example, we might show a photo of a homeless person on the street. We would then ask members of the group a question each about the photo:

  • Applicant 1: What are your thoughts on homelessness?
  • Applicant 2: Why is homelessness a concern today? 
  • Applicant 3: What attributes do you think are required to work with very vulnerable people?
  • Applicant 4: Why do you think we have included a scenario like this in a nursing interview? 


It’s natural to want to share your experience with others, however, we ask you not to discuss the specific topics or tasks at the stations with other applicants, school friends, or online. 

Although there is little evidence that knowing the station details in advance makes a difference to performance, we feel that the integrity of the system is better upheld if the topics and tasks of individual stations are confidential. We would appreciate your cooperation with this. 

On the day 

We use Blackboard Collaborate for our online interviews. You will be given a link to access your interview in your confirmation email. There is no need to register for an account or log in, simply click the link in your email to join the online meeting at the time stated in your confirmation and reminder email. 


Before you begin your interview, we will verify your identity against the details provided in your application. Please have your photo ID with you on the day as this will be asked for. 


Photo ID

Issued by a government agency or professional institution showing your name, date of birth, and a clear image of your face. 

Examples include your photocard driving licence (full or provisional), passport, national ID card or Young Scot card.

Dress Code 

For your interview you should dress smartly, the same way you would for an in-person interview. If you are struggling for an outfit, your school uniform will be fine. 

Running late 

If you are running late on the day of your interview, please email applicant-interviews@dundee.ac.uk as soon as possible. 

Managing your nerves 

We recognise that interviews are stressful, and we don't want this to stop you from giving your best performance. If it's obvious that you're becoming a bit flustered, our interviewers will be helpful and encouraging and will put you at ease. 


Invite to interview 

If you are invited to interview, we will email your invitation to both your personal and @dundee.ac.uk email address. You will not be notified of an invitation via UCAS. 

Rather than issuing all invitations at once, we release them in phases depending on when your application has been assessed by our Admissions Team. 

Interview timings 

Your interview will last 1.5 hours. This includes arranging you into your interview group and conducting your ID check. You will also have the opportunity to attend an optional Q&A with staff from the School of Health Sciences after your interview if you have any questions.  

Interview outcome 

After interview, some early decisions will be communicated but the majority of applicants will be notified after interviews are completed. Final decisions will be made by the UCAS deadline. This decision will be communicated via UCAS and will be emailed to both your personal and @dundee.ac.uk email account. 

Any questions?

If you have any questions about your interview after you’ve received an invite please email