
We use a range of teaching methods, including active participation in laboratory and computing practical classes, seminars, small group discussions, fieldwork, guided independent study, coursework and lectures

Although key concepts and core knowledge will be explained in lectures, you will also be trained to access and critically evaluate scientific data and supporting information from other sources. The emphasis is on encouraging you to take control of your learning and pursue your own interests within the framework of the core curriculum.


Our assessment methods reflect your performance in a range of tasks, and avoid excessive reliance on exams.

Assessment is through a combination of coursework, comprising all laboratory and fieldwork reports, class tests, essays and verbal presentations, and end-of-year examinations.

Coursework counts for 75% of the overall assessment at Level 1, 50% at Level 2 and between 50% and 100% of the modules at Levels 3 and 4.

Modules and progression

The first year of this course is taught at Dundee & Angus College, and follows their HNC Applied Sciences route including the University module Introduction to the Global Environment (EV10001).

Upon passing the first year at D&A College, you will be able to progress into second year of BSc Environmental Science

Your adviser of studies will help you choose your second year modules at the end of the first year. 

Contact our enquiry team

If you have any questions about the admissions process, studying, or living in Dundee, please contact us

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