
Our modules are based on the many and varied topics our staff are researching. You will always study with a recognised expert.

We use a range of teaching methods, from lectures to small group discussions.

Most modules in Levels 1 and 2 have two lectures and one tutorial or workshop group meeting each week. In Levels 3 and 4 you will have fewer lectures and more small discussion group meetings per week.

You will be given plenty of opportunities to conduct research in areas that interest you.

Study trips, including trips to local archives and museums, are an important part of the course. The student-run History Society organises a wide range of social events, study skills sessions, and an annual history careers workshop.


Assessments are carried out through coursework and examinations, and vary in type and weighting from module to module.

Methods of assessment include:

  • essays
  • presentations
  • source exercises
  • wiki projects
  • journals/blogs
  • examinations

In Level 4 you will apply the skills you have learned by writing a dissertation on a topic of your own choice.

Modules and progression

The first year of this course is taught at Dundee & Angus College, and follows their HNC Applied Sciences route including the Step Up University module (AG11023).

Upon passing the first year at D&A College, you will be able to progress into second year of one of our MA Hons Humanities degrees (English, History, Philosophy).

Your adviser of studies will help you choose your second year modules at the end of the first year.

Contact our enquiry team

If you have any questions about the admissions process, studying, or living in Dundee, please contact us

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