
In Levels 1 and 2 teaching is initially through a combination of lectures and tutorials. These continue in Levels 3 and 4, supplemented by workshops and computer laboratory sessions. Increasingly you will be required to undertake directed independent study to broaden and deepen your understanding of the issues covered in the teaching.

We also teach the use of professional mathematical software packages in order to allow you to explore mathematics far beyond the limits of traditional teaching. This also prepares you for the way in which mathematicians work across various industries.

We also offer an annual series of industry guest lectures which you are encouraged to attend.


Our assessment methods include:

  • examination
  • continuous assessment (essays, case studies, group projects)
  • homework
  • computer assignments
  • class tests
  • projects
  • essays
  • case studies

All of these will provide the basis for your final grade.


The list of optional modules on this page is focused on one subject however at Levels 1 and 2 you are able to choose from over 200 modules across subjects including Engineering, Computing, History, Biology, English, and more.

Your adviser of studies will let you know the full list of options and help you choose.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: BU11004 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

Learn about current Economic and Business issues from a global perspective. Theories of economics will be applied to modern problems with global impact. You will have the chance to put models into practise understanding how Economics can help both understand and improve the world we live in. 

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: MA12002 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: BU21004 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

This module covers the micro aspects of the economy by focusing on the basic theories of consumer and firm behaviour under various settings.

You will learn about the conditions in which markets will or will not produce desirable outcomes and the role of government in improving the operation of markets.

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: AG20001 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

For undergraduate students seeking to gain a better understanding of career planning process.

Ideal for anyone who wants to get started with choosing a career path or make plans towards their future. Suitable for students who need the flexibility of online learning.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: BU30016 Credits: 30 Semester: Semester 1

Microeconomic analysis is the study of individual economic units such as households, firms, and markets to understand their behaviour and decision-making processes. It examines factors like supply and demand, pricing, production, and consumer choices to provide insights into the allocation of resources and economic efficiency.

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: BU30014 Credits: 30 Semester: Semester 2

Financial institutions, like banks, investment firms, and insurers, offer vital services such as funds management, lending, investing, and risk mitigation, playing a key role in economies and individuals' financial well-being. Learn about the services they offer and the role they play in the global economic environment

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: BU41027 Credits: 15 Semester: Semester 1

The module will explore the quantitative theory of financial pricing and risk management of financial derivatives, such as options and futures.

You will learn about the concepts, mechanics, and practical applications of options and futures, including their valuation, risk mitigation, and trading strategies.

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: BU40017 Credits: 30 Semester: Semester 2

Learn how international financial markets are interlinked and how shifts in one economy can impact the rest of the world.

You will use data and theories and apply them to real-world issues such as balance of payments crises and macroeconomic policies.

Contact our enquiry team

If you have any questions about the admissions process, studying, or living in Dundee, please contact us

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