Animal research statistics

Figures detailing the number of scientific procedures carried out in the University of Dundee involving animals.

On this page

The university reports the number of animals and the purpose for their use in research by species each year.

The university reports the number of animals and the purpose for their use in research by species each year

In 2023 the number of regulated procedures carried out, separated by species, and by scientific purpose were:

Total number of regulated procedures (21,299), breeding purpose (12,046), experimental purpose (9,253), mouse (20,906), rat (173), and frog (220).


Severity statistics

Each regulated procedure is assigned a severity which describes the animals experience.

Each year the number of scientific procedures experienced by animals at the University of Dundee are recorded and categorised by severity into 5 groups, Sub Threshold, Mild, Moderate, Severe and Non-Recovery.

In 2023, the severities recorded were:

Sub Threshold (64.77%), Mild (22.49%), Moderate (10.86%), Severe (0.05%), and Non-Recovery (1.83%).

Further information on assigning severity can be found in the Statement on the use of animals in research in the University of Dundee.


Historical data

Detailed statistics of animal research procedures recorded 2019 - 2023.