
Court members

Updated on 3 August 2023

Information about University Court and the list of current members.

On this page

Welcome, and a personal message from our Chair of Court

The arrival this month of new students from all around the world is a reminder that everyone has their own story of how they got here.

Amanda Millar, Chair of Court (the University’s governing body), has given us an insight to her own background, the challenges she has overcome in her personal life and professional career on the way to reaching the esteemed positions she now holds, and how it informs her approach to leading the Court of a University that is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion.

The Court is chaired by a lay member and its membership currently comprises:

  • A Chairman, elected by the Court from its lay members
  • The Principal or, in the absence of the Principal, a Vice-Principal
  • Deputy Chair of Court (appointed by the Court)
  • Senior Independent Member
  • Rector/Rector’s Assessor (Ex-Officio/Nominated by the Rector)
  • Lord Provost of Dundee/Assessor (Ex-Officio/Nominated by the Lord Provost)
  • Three Senate Assessors (elected by the Senate)
  • Two Staff Council members (elected by the Staff Council)
  • Two students (nominated by DUSA)
  • Academic member of staff (nominated by a trade union)
  • Support member of staff (nominated by a trade union)
  • Nine co-opted lay members of Court (appointed by Court)

Certain senior officers of the University also attend Court meetings but are not members of the Court. The Chairman of the Court is elected by the Court to serve for a period of three years, renewable for one further period of three years.

Chair of Court


Corporate information category Court