Ava Wright

Fine Art BA (Hons)

There is more to be known when light is added.


Ava Wright

Ava Wright is a Scottish contemporary artist whose work is heavily influenced by her surroundings in her hometown of Paisley, Renfrewshire. Social documentary photography is the focal point of her practice, working strictly with analogue cameras as she believes film processing and developing is an art within itself. Most recently she has incorporated light and installation into her work, combining the two elements with photography to create pieces of work that highlight the intricate details and pockets of information often missed through standalone photography. Her current exhibition, “Pieces of Paisley” is a series of twelve lightboxes, hand crafted by the artist herself with images carefully considered and layered using acetate. From this, the artist creates a dream-like quality from the images, which helps her to share a feeling of nostalgia towards the viewer. She would often find herself documenting derelict areas and buildings from her childhood surroundings in fear of forgetting. “Pieces of Paisley” was heavily influenced by the ongoing demolition of the Tannahill area, located within Ferguslie Park. This estate is well-known for its deprivation, which encouraged the initial images of the series. She felt that there was more to these dilapidated homes than just ruin. The artist connected with the local community chairperson, Terry McTernan, submitting a proposal to commemorate the area through art.

"Dad would love this" and "Dave's team"

Two large boxes showing images of chairs in derelict areas, layered with text of graffiti.

841mm x 1189mm

"Girls in the Park"

Image of young child playing on park gymnasium.

297mm x 420mm

'Pieces of Paisley", stacked, 1-8.

8 small light boxes stacked vertically showing images around Paisley.

148mm x 210mm

After degree show my work will be up for sale! I hope to donate any work not sold to my local art gallery in Paisley. Over the summer, I will be working with Montclair University in New Jersey to create some new work outside of my comfort zone.
