Claire Tytler

Fine Art BA (Hons)

My work looks at how human emotion is displayed, through external factors such as body language, colour and wool.


Claire Tytler

My practice mainly consists of painting using mediums such as oil and acrylic paint. The project I am currently working on is called 'Rooted in Emotion' and involves paintings being displayed in a more sculptural way rather than just hanging on a wall. The theme I am focusing on is human emotions and how we express them. I aim to show emotions through the use of external factors, such as body language and the natural positioning of the body. I want to show how just one change to this can affect how an external party sees that person. Colour will be used as another factor to give the impression of emotion and to confuse the viewer into thinking and feeling the painting means something else. This could mean relaxing the viewer through the choice of colour or to make them feel uncomfortable. Colour is also important in another way as it is used to overwhelm the portraits, just like emotions do, and gives a look into the mind. String, thread and wool are also used in my work to show the connection that all emotions have to one another and how easy it is for more negative emotions to tangle together and overwhelm people. More positive emotions won’t tie a person down in the same way and will be almost free from them, however they will still be connected as all emotions are entangled and rooted together.

Image shows a wall with 5 paintings on it. All of the paintings are different colours with straight lines and bright colour in all of the backgrounds. There is also wool on the wall connected to the paintings with the right side of the wall having more..
Image is of 8 paintings all hanging at different angles with wool being sewn into the back of each painting. There is also wool connecting all of the paintings creating a geometric shape in between the paintings matching the straight lines in the paintings.
A closer image of the hanging paintings and the wool that is connected and positioned between them, with the wall of paintings in the background.

All of my work from the degree show will be available to buy, with any party interested to contact me through my social media or email. You can also support me by getting in contact with any commissions as well as by following my social media accounts.
