Chiara Bianca Ike

Digital Interaction Design BSc (Hons)

A game about the future that awaits us if we fail to protect our digital rights.


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“The more you know about technology, the less you want to use it.”
— H. G. , during a chat about bad tech & tech fears.

Privacy and Digital Human Rights are slowly being eroded over time, little by little- a slow process, not unlike the boiling frog, gradually introduced to its own demise.

‘Trust me’ is a speculative design piece consisting of a text-based choice game and a Biometric Input Output Printer-Scanner (the B-I/O-Jet).

Based on a collection of scenarios that are set in a probable future, this game introduces its user to several rewards and consequences for every choice made. The user will have the choice to give up biometric data, with each scenario and request getting progressively more invasive. The twist, revealed at the end of the game, is that it’s actually very real situations from our present-day reality.

It serves as a cautionary tale, showcasing how recklessly sharing data and trading it for convenience can lead to disastrous outcomes.

“You have got to break a few glasses if you want to make noise.”
— Personal reflection, acknowledging the possible loss of job opportunities this project might spark when applying for tech companies.

The image depicts a smartphone screen featuring the start-frame of the text-based choice game 'Trust Me', positioned to the far-left and the Biometric Printer Scanner, also known as the "BIOJET", taking up the centre and middle.
The image depicts the "BIOJET" being used during gameplay. A hand to the right is barely in frame to show a person bleeding into the DNA capsules that come with the Biometric Printer Scanner, to be then placed in the opened DNA analyser cylinder.
The image depicts the rewards and consequences of the current player's choices. The user's biometric data has been sold on the dark web for 10 Bitcoins. The "BIOJET" can still be seen, though slightly blurry, in the background.

Usually available through LinkedIn. Feel free to use my personal email if you're interested in my work- or working with me.
