Patrick Freeman

Digital Interaction Design BSc (Hons)

Plant Urb is an interactive audible miro green gardening experience for the home of new urban gardeners


Patrick Freeman

‘Plant Urb’ is an immersive, audio-based micro-green gardening experience kit for the home of a new urban dweller wanting to connect with nature.

The aim of ‘Plant Urb’ is to take urban dwellers who have no previous experience or knowledge through an interactive and easy-to-follow planting journey that engages them with daily tasks, updates, and useable information that will equip them with the fundamental skills to successfully grow and take care of their own micro green patch.

Gardening Notification received

Image 1: Gardening Notification Received - a lamp showing a green light

Gardener carrying out task

Image 2: gardener carrying out task - a mobile phone showing messages

Gardening tasks complete for the day

Image 3: gardener has completed all tasks - a lamp showing a yellow light