Conor Jenkins

Animation BDes (Hons)

Varied 2D FX that focuses on Character interaction and Naturally occurring based effects in the world such as rain and lightning.


Conor Jenkins

My work as a 2D FX animator focuses on effects using honed knowledge of particular animations involving work that is deemed to be an effect, these could be anything from blood to hair or a combination, hair interacting with blood. What separates my specialism and work from a traditional character animator is that its my job to see the recurring shapes in life and the world around us to either realistically show on screen or to make a magic spell or an energy beam coming down from space look believable. The job of an FX artist is to keep the audience immersed in what they are watching, my work is an example of that.

Shot 35 from the film Astray

Shot 21 from the film Astray

Laser Explosion

A personal project

If you like and want to support my work please share it with other people! Thank you for your support!
