Erin Davidson

Animation BDes (Hons)

I specialise in storyboarding and 2D character animation. I particularly enjoy working with hand-drawn media and visually telling a good story, no matter the genre.


photo of Erin Davidson

As a storyboard artist I'm always looking for creative ways to tell a story. Animation at its core is a storytelling tool and a very effective and imaginative one at that. From a young age I have always been very story-focused and this also applies to the animated media I grew up with.  As result I believe a strong story is paramount as the foundation of any piece of strong animated media even if it isn't particularly story-heavy.  

I'm a lover of stories and I do my best to reflect this love and passion for them in not only my storyboards but in my character animation work as well. The way that a character moves and talks can communicate their motivations and any particular themes in animation and I have always found myself inspired by this and the sheer creativity and freedom that a simple drawing tablet and a bit of software can bring to life.

My personal project was storyboarding an unreleased short named 'Saving The Princess' about a father's journey to face the grief of losing his young daughter and starting to heal. In developing these storyboards I was able to fully throw myself into creating and telling a melancholic and grounded story of my own which was particularly exciting as these are my favourite stories to read and watch on screen.

For my final film, I was lucky enough to animate and storyboard for 'Nucleus'.  Being able to draw and tell a dark and gory sci-fi horror story for the film and working alongside the lovely 'Nucleus' team was a blast!

'Nucleus' Storyboard Concept

Lena (protagonist) and the later missing astronaut in Nucleus crash into the titular planet in a scrapped concept.

'Saving The Princess' Reflection Sequence Storyboards

A segment of the reflection sequence in my personal project 'Saving The Princess' where The Knight (blue) finally breaks down in his grief together with his wife The Narrator (pink)

'Saving The Princess' Flop Sequence Storyboards

The Knight (blue) is handed a flower by The Princess (yellow). In doing so her life force is drained and she goes limp.
