Lou Small

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Mimic: The overwhelming realities of mass culture conveyed in an immersive experience through the lens of memes and pop culture.


Lou Small is a queer filmmaker, video, sound, and digital artist. Their process is heavily influenced by the history of pop culture, and its inherent qualities of appropriation and replication which have dominated visual culture for the past century. 

Their works range across video collage to loosely narrative filmmaking, and often attempt to convey a sense of being overwhelmed, bombarding their audience with experimental sound and dreamlike edits to create a sense of dissociation, anxiety, or psychosis. 

Lou has a fascination with mass-produced media and its capacity to be manipulated creatively, stemming from an interest in Pop Art, analogue technology, 20th century subcultures and their associated aesthetics.

Content warning

Installation may be unsuitable for younger viewers, those of a sensitive disposition or those who are photosensitive. Contains elements of horror, adult language, loud noise and flashing images.

A dark installation space with 6 stacked cathode-ray tube TVs all displaying retro motion graphics.
A dark installation space with 6 stacked cathode-ray tube TVs all displaying video collage.

Please contact me through Instagram or via email for videography and editing commissions.
