Madeleine Marg

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Dinners Ready but Nobody is Listening


Madeleine Marg

Madeleine Marg’s practice focuses on the dissociation from reality within westernised society and its effect on community connection. Predominately working in sculpture, Marg engages in a range of mediums and processes: casting, ceramics, video, projections, sound, and installation, often using abstraction to convey feelings of solitude and isolation.
‘Dinner Ready but Nobody is Listening’.
Is a installation that playfully explores the consumption of social media and its dissociating effects, highlighting our detachment from reality which replaces a natural meditative state of self-reflection with constant interaction. Dinner time is not only meant to nourish but to strike real-life communication. Marg uses the traditional setting of a dinner table to convey the depleting avenues within our lives of real-life communication, creating a world that is devoid of colour to convey that life has been sucked out, and the media has taken over. Marg takes great inspiration from the fluidity of the term consumption, using this more literally in her work. This installation is intended as a warning sign for our current human condition, to encourage change. By addressing such issues, she aims to open the viewer's eyes forcing them to look and witness the real world around them and truly see...

‘Dinner Ready but Nobody is Listening’ installation

Porcelain Ceramic Plates, Plaster food, Mannequin Chair

Porcelain, Plaster, Fibreglass Mannequin and Repurposed Chairs.

‘Dinner Ready but Nobody is Listening’ Installation

Ceramic Porcelain plate, consuming Mobile Phone (iPhone 5c) with Fibreglass Mannequin, Repurposed Chair.

Ceramic porcelain plate, consuming mobile phone (iPhone 5c) with mannequin chair.

‘Dinner Ready but Nobody is Listening’ Installation

Plaster Casted Food, Porcelain Ceramic Plates

Overview of Table
