Sofia Rodriguez Gomez

Animation BDes (Hons)

I'm a visual development and background artist.


photo of Sofia Rodriguez Gomez

Over the past years, I have been honing my skills as a visual development artist across the projects that I have been involved with. Through working as a visual development artist within the animation course, I have been able to realise both my teams and my own artistic vision and have enjoyed seeing the projects that I have worked on come to fruition.

For my main film ’Baobhan Sith’, I worked as a concept artist, background artist and animator. This project allowed me to grow as an artist within the animation pipeline and presented me with the opportunity to create a visually and emotionally compelling film. I am very proud of the films result and found the experience of working with my team members especially rewarding.

For my personal project ‘Crab’, I wanted to explore working across an array of roles and having the opportunity to cultivate a body of work that reflects the process of my concept creation. The project follows the journey of a hermit crab searching for a new shell to make his home. This project challenged me to reflect on how I want to communicate and convey my work as an artist. Throughout this year I have found that I am drawn to creating a strong visual style and atmosphere within my work and I enjoyed working on this project as a device to develop my ideas and storytelling.

In the future I am keen to work on more animation projects, and I am excited to use my specialisms of concept art and backgrounds to contribute to the industry.

Baobhan Sith - Background

This is a tapestry and medieval style background depicting an underwater scene.

This is one of the final backgrounds used in the film.

Crab - visual development

A digitally painted aztec-inspired piece depicting a long line of crabs in front of a sunset at sea.

This is a concept piece that I created in order to further develop the style of my personal film. This concept allowed me to create the final style for the backgrounds in the project.

Sci-fi - Prop sheet

This piece is a collection of prop drawings of sci-fi style guns and weapons all hung up on a gun rack.

This piece is an exploration of the prop concepts that I have worked on in order to develop my portfolio as a concept artist.

You can come see our film 'Baobhan Sith', as well as the other projects I've contributed to at the Animation section of the degree show. The best way to help me out is to check out my portfolio website and to check out my work on my socials. If you have any enquiries, or are interested in working with me please feel free to contact me!
