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ISSR Forum – Wednesday 8 June 2022

Social & Community Futures: Making a difference to all

The 5th annual ISSR Forum will bring together research colleagues of all stages from member Schools of Business, Education and Social Work, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences and have identified a forward-looking theme and also one that emphasises the potential, arguably the mission, of social sciences research to make a difference to individuals and to communities.

The Forum will give us the opportunity to celebrate some of the impressive cross-disciplinary work undertaken with the support of ISSR Interdisciplinary Incubator Grants (IIG); it will allow PGR students and new colleagues to showcase and discuss their work in a series of lightning talks and it will mark the return of the Global Scholar Programme by way of a keynote talk by (Dr Son Truong, Associate Professor, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada)

We will also hold interactive panels that will give colleagues the opportunity to present on their current work and are, therefore, looking for abstracts for papers that fit, broadly within the overall theme of the day.

Call for Papers

Abstract submission deadline Friday 27 May 2022


#ISSR2022 | Social & Community Futures: Making a difference to all

Lecture Theatre 1 to be known as Main stage

Foyer to be known as F

The forum will take place at Dalhousie Building, University Campus.

08:30-08:50 Refreshments and breakfast rolls (F)

09:00 Welcome introduction by John Rowan, and a ISSR co-director Dr Stephanie Schreven – Main stage

09:20 ISSR IIG 2021 Spotlight –talks showcasing funded projects – 4 of 8 projects (10 mins +5 Q’s each) - Main stage

10:20 Keynote: Dr Son Truong, ISSR Global Scholar Main stage

11:10 Comfort break and networking (refreshments) (F)

11:30 Lightning talks – PGR and new staff (1 hour) Main stage

12:30 Lunch break and networking (F)

13:30 Panel session – 3 concurrent panel sessions showcasing staff research from across member schools.  Each panel will be convened by a staff member and PGR student.

Breakout Rooms 2S12; 2S14 and 2F15

15:00 ISSR IIG 2020 Spotlight –talks showcasing funded projects – 4 of 8 projects (10 mins + 5 Q’s each) Main stage

 Comfort break and networking (F)

16:00 Keynote: A N O THER Main stage

16:50 Closing remarks Main stage

17:00 Ends

17:15 - 18:30 Drinks reception (F)

Past Forums 

'Transitioning to Sustainability: Understanding the past, shaping the future' – online Teams

'New Horizons in Social Sciences' held on 24 June 2019, Discovery Point, Dundee

'Locally and Globally' held on 12 June 2018, Discovery Point, Dundee

'ISSR Forum launch' held on 13 June 2017, Malmaison Hotel, Dundee