ISSR Projects

These are all the projects awarded by ISSR Grants in 2021. Below are the recipients.

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Completed projects

image of water and desert

Research project

The Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe (STRADE) addresses the long-term security and sustainability of the European raw-material supply from European and non-European countries

Following the consideration of applications for Interdisciplinary Incubator Grant funding, we are delighted to announce the successful recipients.

Art at the Start: Visualising the benefits of early art making

Funding will go towards bringing multidisciplinary experts together to create and develop an illustrated infographic film, sharing what we have learned through our research about the benefits of art making from a very young age.

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Dr Vicky Armstrong Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Lecturer
Dr Josephine Ross Reader in Psychology
Dr Anna Gavine Senior Lecturer

Digital health, healthcare service design and marginalization

Funds will support a scoping review into helping health and social care commissioners, providers and practitioners to consider how digital technology initiatives might negatively impact on service users from marginalized groups, particularly the potential for unintended consequences, and how these impacts can be minimised.

Dundee Just Transition Hub

Funds will support a short term project to lay the foundations for the launch of a Dundee Just Transitions network.  It's main objective to promote and develop true interdisciplinary research and teaching about just transitions and to serve as a focal point for academics across social sciences and beyond. The project will run a number of seminars and workshops to be able to launch the network in the coming months.

Find out more about the Hub

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Dr Sufyan El Droubi Reader in Public International Law
Dr Fernando Fernandes Reader in Youth And Community Work

Embodying mothering in the neonatal intensive care unit: creative storytelling project

The aim of the project is to generate data using an approach to dialogical storytelling involving a series of online creative workshops, in-depth interviews with mothers of preterm infants, leading to an exhibition and future grant application.

Stigma of Smell: The co-evolution of social exclusion and the legitimacy of the deodorant industry

The funding will support the creation of a comprehensive data set with the involvement of an archival service for research, leading to a peer-review journal. It is anticipated this will lay the foundation for larger research grant applications and presenting full findings at the Academy of Marketing 2022 conference.  The research aims to  analyse advertisements from the early days of the deodorant industry to the present to understand how social exclusion by means of stigmatisation takes shape in tandem with social inclusion, or de-stigmatisation.

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Dr Stephanie Schreven Senior Lecturer