About Tayside Innovation MedTech Ecosystem (TIME)

TIME enables parts of the ecosystem to actively work together to share resources and experience.

On this page

The TIME ecosystem is a dynamic platform, both physical and virtual, where innovation and medical technology are co-designed and seamlessly integrated into healthcare. TIME fosters collaboration among key stakeholders – NHS, Data, Digital, Manufacturing, and Academia – by facilitating the sharing of resources and expertise. This unique approach harnesses the energy and flow of ideas from both within and outside the ecosystem.

This innovative concept in Tayside unites the existing MedTech innovation ecosystem on a single platform, including NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee, while also welcoming new partners.

Key benefits of TIME

  • Unparalleled resources and multidisciplinary expertise to accelerate the translation and adoption of healthcare technologies.
  • A strategic partnership between NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee, combining the essential ingredients for accelerating technology from concept to commercialisation and widespread adoption.
  • People-driven innovation, bringing together passionate individuals committed to advancing MedTech.
Project support

Do you need help to drive your MedTech project forward? We're here to help.

TIME Innovation Hub

Collaborate with us both online and at the TIME Innovation Hub, located on the Ninewells Hospital campus in Dundee. This bespoke space is ideally situated for clinicians, NHS staff, and industry partners to connect and innovate. The diverse population of Tayside, with both urban and rural communities, provides the ideal environment for testing and adopting new technologies.

The TIME Innovation Hub offers a comprehensive suite of resources for Medtech translation, all within a healthcare setting. Its location within Ninewells Hospital makes it the perfect testbed for development, with capabilities ranging from procedural training and device testing in the Image Guided Therapy Research Facility (IGTRF), to digital health resources in the Health Informatics Centre (HIC), prototype manufacturing, and even a small business incubator and laboratory unit.

Situated in the heart of Scotland, with excellent transport links, the TIME Innovation Hub offers extensive collaboration opportunities across institutions in the North of Scotland and beyond. Visitors to Tayside will find a wealth of accommodation options in historic Dundee and the surrounding area.


TIME is already facilitating international companies in testing devices to navigate the regulatory pathways to approval. These next-generation devices represent innovative treatments that will lead to significant improvements in healthcare delivery and substantial benefits for patients.

TIME operates under a robust governance framework and provides a variety of contractual frameworks to safeguard confidentiality, intellectual property, and other sensitive information.

With its focus on rapid and efficient support, TIME offers the ideal solution for collaborative engagement.


These are the partners working in TIME to deliver innovative solutions for patient care.

NHS Tayside

University of Dundee