Tayside Innovation MedTech Ecosystem (TIME) resources

TIME provides a suite of connected resources for Medtech translation.

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About our resources

Working in partnership with NHS Tayside and other partners, the University of Dundee can bring together the people and resources to make your MedTech solutions a reality. We can work collaboratively with you and our partners, and provide the resources and expertise to help translate your product through Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) into adoption.

Our core facilities and capabilities include:

Image Guided Therapy Research Facility (IGTRF) 

  • Our state-of-the-art clinical imaging equipment is managed by an expert team, ensuring optimal results.
  • We offer access to the anatomically realistic "perfused" Thiel embalmed human cadaveric model, which provides unparalleled realism for procedural training and device testing.
  • Our experienced clinicians provide invaluable assessments and usability feedback to refine your MedTech innovations.
  • We can generate pre-clinical data to support your regulatory approval process, ensuring your product meets the highest standards.

Metal workshop

  • Thanks to a new partnership with the Medical Device Manufacturing Centre and Scottish Enterprise, our precision metalwork facility has been significantly upgraded and revitalised.
  • Our precision metalwork equipment enables prototype and component manufacture to exacting standards.
  • We offer access to a state-of-the-art equipment portfolio, ensuring cutting-edge capabilities for your MedTech projects.
  • Our technical expertise spans a wide network of engineering specialties, providing comprehensive support for your development needs.
Logo of Scottish Enterprise and MDC Medical Device Manufacturing Centre


  • We provide small-scale, flexible collaborative spaces within Wilson House to facilitate access to our extensive resources.
  • Our dedicated laboratory space allows for hands-on project development and benchtop testing in a controlled environment.
  • We are linked to the Life Sciences Innovation Hub, providing access to large-scale resources and expertise to further support your MedTech endeavours.

Health Informatics Centre (HIC)

  • We align health informatics resources and expertise to develop future Digital MedTech solutions that address pressing healthcare challenges.
  • We facilitate data linkage for translational research in key growth areas, such as AI augmentation, telemedicine, and wearables, to drive innovation and improve patient care.
  • We actively combine and develop emerging digital technologies to create groundbreaking solutions that transform the healthcare landscape.

Find out more about HIC

Project support

Do you need help to drive your MedTech project forward? We're here to help.