NHS Tayside Innovation partnership with TIME

Collaborations between the NHS and innovators will enable the harnessing of technology to address some of the most complex issues facing the health service.

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Innovation is key to transforming healthcare delivery and improving outcomes for patients. By embracing innovative solutions, the NHS can ensure the effective development and delivery of future services.

Collaborations between the NHS and innovators are essential to harness technology's power in addressing complex healthcare challenges.

NHS Tayside Innovation focuses on:

  • Solving real-world problems: Identifying and implementing viable solutions that add value to existing healthcare practices and deliver tangible benefits.
  • Pre-clinical projects: Engaging in early-stage design processes, allowing NHS staff and patients to co-design solutions with industry partners and designers.
  • Streamlining innovation pathways: Creating efficient processes within NHS Tayside to foster and support innovative projects.
  • MedTech: Prioritising the development and adoption of medical technologies that improve patient care and streamline healthcare delivery.

The role of NHS Tayside Innovation

NHS Tayside Innovation plays a crucial role in supporting innovators within the healthcare system, guiding them through the process of developing new solutions for real-world problems. As a dedicated department, NHS Tayside Innovation coordinates and facilitates innovation both within the NHS Tayside community and beyond.

NHS Tayside Innovation provides the necessary expertise to guide innovations from the initial discovery phase to their successful deployment and integration into practice.

Through NHS Tayside Innovation, innovators gain coordinated access to a vast innovation community, enabling them to prototype and test their innovations in real-world clinical and non-clinical environments.

Some examples of these environments include:

  • Clinical departments and specialties
  • Estates and facilities
  • Digital and information governance
  • Laboratories
  • Medical Physics

NHS Tayside Innovation Community

The NHS Tayside Innovation community offers a unique opportunity for real-world site testing of innovations, essential for co-production with patients, NHS staff, and industry partners throughout the design and delivery process.

Joining the NHS Tayside Innovation community provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Risk mitigation for innovation projects
  • Accelerated idea generation
  • Resource sharing opportunities

NHS Tayside Innovation facilitates connections between individuals and organisations, providing access to the NHS innovation community to foster co-creation of solutions alongside those who will ultimately use them.

Partnership is a core value of NHS Tayside Innovation. Through strong relationships and collaborative efforts, they bring together expertise from across the healthcare system. Established connections with academia and industry, along with links to the broader innovation ecosystem, further enrich the collaborative environment.

Focus on MedTech

The NHS aims to reliably access safe, effective, and innovative medical technologies that deliver value to patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare systems, and society.

Investing in the development of well-designed MedTech products, services, or solutions will enable saving and improving people’s lives at every phase of the patient pathway, through earlier disease detection, less-invasive procedures, and more effective treatments.

Tayside Innovation MedTech Ecosystem (TIME) creates a multi-stakeholder medical technology innovation platform, and all partners, as well as patients and industry, will benefit from this coordinated way of innovating.

About NHS Tayside   

Tayside is a region built on discovery and the TIME Innovation Hub is based at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. Ninewells is one of the largest teaching hospital sites in Europe. It is internationally renowned for introducing laparoscopic surgery to the UK as well as being a leading centre in developing fields such as the management of cancer, medical genetics and robotic surgery.   

The Tayside region hosts one single NHS Board which creates simplicity when innovators wish to work with us. NHS Tayside employs around 13,000 staff. It has several community hospitals as well as three major hospitals.   

The region that we serve comprises a diverse range of rural and urban populations within Perth and Kinross, Dundee and Angus.  The region has areas of wealth, and indeed also of deprivation. It has the largest proportion of its population in the UK using the NHS as their sole care provider. This, of course, offers a huge and varied patient test bed for innovation. 

Project support

Do you need help to drive your MedTech project forward? We're here to help.