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Friday 1 March 2024

Welcome to our HIC TRE newsletter! As a user of our TRE, we are signing you up to this new service which aims to keep you informed, engaged, and connected. We are keen to continually develop our community and engage with you.

We intend on using this monthly newsletter to serve as a platform for sharing important news, helpful tips, your successes and more. Three main areas of content will be:

  1. Important updates: stay informed about any changes or developments within the TRE and HIC services.

    This week’s developments are about our legal agreement – previously known as the Data User Declaration (DUD). This has been significantly updated and is now our TRE User Agreement. The changes reflect HIC’s commitment to adhering to recommended best practices in the secure handling of sensitive data within our TRE.

  2. Hints and tips: we will share some useful resources to aid you.

    Please be aware our HIC Knowledge Base has changed URL. We are continually developing this so feel free to share your feedback for future How-to articles.

  3. Spotlight on success: we want to celebrate the wins (progress and achievements!) – no matter how small or big. Did you know? HIC are registered as a Research Facility in the University of Dundee Discovery Portal. For internal (UoD) users of our TRE, you can link your funded projects, publications, and activities to recognise the use of HIC Services.

    This supports HIC’s commitment to foster open and transparent use of data and showcase the impact your research has for public benefit. 

    Our first success story is all about us – we have launched a new TRE website for everyone to learn a little more about our TRE, and why it matters now more than ever.

Please reply to share your feedback and thoughts for suggestions or ideas for future content. If you have a success story involving your work in the TRE, please let us know. This community should lift each other up – “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” (widely attributed to Sir Isaac Newton).

Finally, thanks for being part of our TRE community. Please look out for future developments of our HIC User Group – “HUG” which you will be very welcome at!

HIC Teams

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